10 Simple steps to install and start liferay server from eclipse
Download Liferay 6.1 CE bundled with tomcat and appropriate plug-in SDK.
Open EclipseIDE with Liferay installed.
Go to preferences > Liferay > Installed SDK's.
Add new liferay plug-in SDK , specify the path of liferay SDK that matches your liferay version.
You could see the installed liferay plug-in details in Installed SDK table.
Now, we need to setup Runtime Environment for that, goto
preferences > Servers > Runtime Environments
Add new Liferay runtime and find liferay tomcat(associated with current version) under Liferay Inc, category.
Browse and select the location of Tomcat configured with liferay (liferay-portal-tomcat),save runtime preferences.
Define a new server and specify the type of server as Liferay vX.X(Tomcat v6/v7) which is under liferay,Inc category.
- Start the Liferay server configured with tomcat, right click and select ‘Open Liferay Portal Home’ you could see a Basic Configuration Page of Liferay.