Friday, November 29, 2013

Liferay dockbar load issue


  If you find that the dockbar is not loading and its keep on spinning it a javascripts minifiers issue.To resolve this we can set the property in


In the browser you can check by setting the &js_fast_load=0&css_fast_load=0&strip=0 in the URL parameter 

Sonar Installation and maven Configuration steps

Installation steps :

Step 1 :  Download and unzip the distribution.

                Do not install the application in a directory starting with a digit

Step 2 : Execute on Windows:

or on other platforms:
bin/[OS]/ console

Step 3 : Execute the following commands on your Maven projects:
mvn clean install
mvn sonar:sonar

Step 4 : Browse to http://localhost:9000
Step 5 : For administration features, default login/password is admin/admin.

Liferay performance tuning

        Below are the high level steps to tune the liferay server :  

Step 1 : Adjust the server's thread pool and JDBC connection pool

  1. Unfortunately, there's no magic number for this: it must be tuned based on usage. 
  2. By default, Liferay is configured for a maximum of 100 database connections. 
  3. For Tomcat, a good number is between 200 and 400 threads in the thread pool

Liferay maven project

Liferay Installation

10 Simple steps to install and start liferay server from eclipse

  1. Download Liferay 6.1 CE bundled with tomcat and appropriate  plug-in SDK.
  2. Open EclipseIDE with Liferay installed.
  3. Go to preferences >     Liferay > Installed SDK's.
  4. Add new liferay plug-in SDK , specify the path of liferay SDK that matches your     liferay version.
  5. You could see the installed liferay plug-in details in Installed SDK table.
  6. Now, we need to setup Runtime Environment for that, goto
        preferences > Servers > Runtime Environments
  1. Add new Liferay runtime and find liferay tomcat(associated with current version) under Liferay Inc, category.
  2. Browse and select the location of Tomcat configured with liferay (liferay-portal-tomcat),save runtime preferences.
  3. Define a new server and specify the type of server as Liferay vX.X(Tomcat v6/v7) which is under liferay,Inc category.
  4. Start the Liferay server configured with tomcat, right click and select ‘Open Liferay Portal Home’ you could see a Basic Configuration Page of Liferay.

Liferay Mysql Configuration

Steps to Configure mysql DB to liferay 

  • Goto mysql server and cerate a empty database
  • Now goto <liferay server>/
  • Create a file with name
  • Add the below lines to the file.
  • # MySQljdbc.default.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

    jdbc.default.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/<DB Name >?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useFastDateParsing=false

  • Start the server and you can see that liferay is configured to the mysql DB 

Understanding Essential DNS Record Types for Web Administrators

  Understanding Essential DNS Record Types for Web Administrators Introduction The Domain Name System (DNS) acts as the backbone of the inte...